Hi! My name’s Loreto, but pretty much everybody calls me Lore. Lover of travel, design, and utterly obsessed with board games and baking. Self-confessed planning addict, dreamer, perfectionist, and owner of one extremely inquiring mind.
A Fashion Design graduate (with a couple of Masters to boot), I’m not afraid to admit that I’m curious, perseverant, and a bit of a geek.
More about me!
1. I’m a straight-talker; I tell it as it is and being politically correct is not one of my fortes…
2. My Sunday nights typically involve being curled up on the sofa watching horror films. Add a beer and some crisps, and you’ve got my perfect night in!
3. I’m a night owl. But even though early starts are my worst nightmare, I’m always on time.
4. I’d rather play the paparazzi than be in front of the camera.
5. When I’m really focused, I hum (or so they tell me…)